Under specific circumstances, I’ve encountered this message following a reboot on systems I am repairing/setting up:
Failed to connect to a Windows service
Windows could not connect to the Group Policy Client service. This problem prevents standard users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn’t respond.
The System Event Log also logs an event regarding the service timing out. When attempting to stop/restart/configure the service, none of the options are available; they’re merely greyed out, though the service is present.
The solution is pretty simple:
- Change the permissions on the relevant keys configuring the Group Policy Client service to allow Full Control to Administrators.
- Open regedit (Start > type regedit in the search box) and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\gpsvc - Right-click the registry key and choose Permissions.
- Click Advanced, then click Owner.
- Choose Administrators and check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects box.
- Exit the permissions dialog and then open it again.
- Click Advanced, then choose Administrators and click Edit…
- Check Allow underneath Full Control, then click OK.
- Check Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object. Click OK and confirm; exit.
- Open regedit (Start > type regedit in the search box) and navigate to:
- Download the default gpsvc configuration information corresponding to your version of Windows:
- Back at the Registry Editor window, click File > Import… and choose the .reg file you downloaded above.
- Merge the changes with the registry. Reboot.
Problem solved!